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The Snowy Sleepover

My husband I had been married for about 15 years when I was out of town on a business trip. To understand the story fully, some background information is required.

Sometime prior to this, a woman who worked with my husband had made a pass at him - in front of me - extremely obvious! AND, it had occurred at our house. (More about that story in Hot Tub Footsie.)

She had been someone who we had socialized with at various times, and while I had an inkling she was harboring a crush on my husband, to see her act on that in front of me was something else entirely. After that happened, my husband and I made an agreement that she would not be invited over to our house. Of course, he still saw her at work, and there were a number of social occasions when we all interacted. She did not, however, come over to the house.

While I was on this particular business trip, there was a snow storm in the city where my husband and I lived. As it turns out, the same woman who made the pass at my husband spent the night at our house during the snow storm.

To hear him tell it, it was because it wasn't safe for her to drive to her home 45 minutes away given the snow conditions. Nevermind the fact that we lived in a place that gets snow for 9 months of the year and everyone knows how to drive in it. To hear him tell it, there wasn't another suitable female colleague or friend with whom she could stay overnight. To hear him tell it, a hotel simply wasn't an option.

In my mind I'm thinking...what the crazy? I'm out of town, and he has another woman spend the night at our house?

And let's not overlook the fact that it was a woman who had made a pass at him before.

In his defense, he's the one who told me about this. I didn't have to hear about it second-hand from the neighbors who would have seen her car there all night. He said that I had no reason to be upset or jealous and that he really just wanted her to be safe. He told me I was just being ridiculous to think it was anything but him helping out a friend.

In the end I did what I always did...I swept it under the rug. I told myself that since he told me about it, he must be telling the truth, right? I made myself believe what he was telling me...because I desperately wanted to believe it was true.

What do you think?

Did He Cheat?


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