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Be a Disco Ball

A friend sent me this message the other day:

A disco ball is hundreds of pieces of broken glass put together to make a magical ball of light. You are a disco ball.

As we move through changes in life, especially ones that involve ending important relationships in our lives, there may be many times when we feel broken.

Honestly, though, I’ve never felt like broken is the right word. When I think of broken, I think of something being wrong - or that it needs fixing. When I apply that concept to myself, it just doesn’t fit.

There’s nothing wrong with me. No one broke me. I don’t need fixing.

What I need is growth, not fixing.

There are things I’d like to change about myself, but that doesn’t make those things wrong or make me broken. There are areas of myself I want to explore and develop. That doesn’t mean that until I develop them they’re broken.

We are all perfectly imperfect in our own, unique ways. That doesn’t make us broken. We are works in progress. We are not broken.

What if we considered the concept of brokenness like that disco ball…little bits of magic.

That is how I want to see myself - filled with little bits of magic. As I grow and expand, as I learn to embrace who I am and step into who I’m meant to be, those bits of magic grow and grow until it’s as if I’m radiating magical light out from me to the rest of the world. When that happens, my disco ball shines brightly so that everyone can see it.

So, instead of seeing ourselves as broken…

Let’s start seeing ourselves as the magical disco balls that we are.


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